€ 435,00
A solstice signals the change in the seasons, just as this mouthpiece marks a departure from the traditional jazz alto setup. The Solstice harkens to the days of the “West Coast” school of sound, made famous by such greats as Art Pepper, Lee Konitz, and Paul Desmond.
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A solstice signals the change in the seasons, just as this mouthpiece marks a departure from the traditional jazz alto setup. The Solstice harkens to the days of the “West Coast” school of sound, made famous by such greats as Art Pepper, Lee Konitz, and Paul Desmond. The sounds and styles of these greats inspired the creation of this mouthpiece. The Solstice has a rich core and a full harmonic palate, while also possessing a lively and lyrical quality. There have been several modern attempts to approach the West Coast sound but the majority leave the player with a stuffy, dull, and resistant piece. The Solstice plays open, full, and with ease. Its responsive, ringing, centered tone provides a unique avenue towards expression and opens the door to new possibilities. From flowing bossa novas, to the jazz quartet standards, to a beautiful, lyrical, emotional ballad…the Solstice does it all.
Played “Straight ahead” The Solstice accepts a strong airstream and projects extremely well. Its time to step away from the Meyer and its countless clones. Explore a new level of depth and color with the most versatile alto mouthpiece available at any price.
The saxophone mouthpiece is the critical point in which we begin to merge with our instrument and realize our fullest potential. My personal goal is to help facilitate this event. It continues to be my pleasure and privilege to be a part of the music of so many. At Phil-Tone, it’s not just about the mouthpiece, it’s about the music.
De Saxofoonwinkel heeft sinds jaar en dag de grootste voorraad mondstukken van Europa. In onze winkel krijgt u uitgebreid advies en kunt u alles uitproberen in onze oefenruimtes. Vanaf nu bieden wij u tevens de mogelijkheid om thuis te proberen wat bij u past. Wij sturen er een aantal op en u beslist welke u kiest. Deze service is zonder aankoop verplichting en bieden wij u voor slechts €10,- Koopt u een mondstuk dan vervalt dit bedrag. U betaalt zelf de porto.
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The Netherlands
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