€ 160,00
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The general idea of all ERGObrass and also ERGOsax supports is based on a simple fact that all wind instruments are heavy to hold. We all know that relaxation is very important also in soprano saxophone playing. However, holding the instrument in playing position inevitably produces a static tension especially in right hand and thumb but also in the arm, shoulders, upper body and throat. Typically a player bend his or her head down and play the soprano downwards. This enables the neck strap to carry a part of the weight but the posture is difficult in the long run. Also the bell should be pointing higher to the audience, but then the neck strap does not help at all…
Most players can play with this curved posture and the tension, of course – but the tension is always there disturbing the performance.
The real solution for the problems above is simple: by using an ERGOsax support every soprano sax player can stay totally relaxed while playing. And in addition to the better efficiency, it is also very comfortable!
The ERGOsax support is specially designed to be a handy medium to enable the player to keep his or her hands and upper body completely relaxed by removing the need for the arms to support the weight of the soprano sax. Instead, the ERGOsax will transmit the weight of the horn to the chair, or to the belt pouch the player may wear.
Freeing up the upper body can also help the most important aspects of wind playing: breathing and airflow. With the weight of the instrument taken off of the body, the player’s touch and feel for playing are improved and stresses are reduced.
The plastic support head with a quick locking mechanism is on top of a steel bar. Attach it in one movement to the neck strap ring of the soprano. In the support rod there is a coiled spring in order to give a smooth and soft floating feel to the horn. Your hands and arms are no more supporting the weight of the instrument.
Now the weight of the soprano is transmitted to the belt pouch or to the chair. There is also a little ring in the support head. Put the strap lock in this ring as using the strap will keep the soprano better in balance, even your neck is no longer supporting the weight.
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bezoek onze winkel Smedenstraat 126
7411 RJ Deventer
The Netherlands
Dinsdag t/m donderdag van 10 tot 17 uur.
Vrijdag en zaterdag van 10 tot 15 uur.
Telefoon: 0570 612 844
E-mailadres: info@saxofoonwinkel.nl